L5/L6 Creative Thinking

  • May 19, 2023
  • 174

CPD Offer from David Dodds, Faculty Head – Art, Design & Technology, Stewarton Academy

You may or may not be aware of the L5&6 Creative Thinking qualifications that have recently been developed by Daydream Believers in partnership with a number of schools, colleges, universities & employers over the last couple of years.  The course is centred around pupil creativity and problem solving and is assessed in an entirely different manner to the SQA courses we are all as familiar with.

As part of working with the SWEIC partnership I would like to extend a CLPL opportunity for you and your respective teams to attend.  The session will be delivered via Teams on Wednesday 24th May between 3-4pm and will provide an overview of the course, delivery structure, project breakdown and assessment approaches as well as an opportunity for some Q&A.  The event will be delivered by Scott Gordon who is a Technical teacher at Grangemouth Academy and has been involved in the creation and delivery of the qualification from the outset.  Indeed, at Grangemouth they have recently moved away from delivering Graphic Communication across N4-H level in favour of the Creative Thinking courses.

I would be grateful if you could share the flyer that contains the sign-up link with your staff (link at end of page) and would also hugely appreciate if you could also share with the respective PT Art & Design in your school as the qualification can be delivered across either or both subject areas.  

Whilst I have not been involved in the development of the qualification it is one which we intend to bring into the curriculum at Stewarton next session – you can find out more before the event https://daydreambelievers.co.uk/qualification/

Please let me know if you have any further questions and hopefully I will see some of you and your team at the event.


David Dodds

Faculty Head – Art, Design & Technology
Stewarton Academy

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